Monday, January 30, 2012

The Gang of Five and More....

 Once more I find that I am playing catch-up.  Weekends get busy around here, and this past one was no exception. I did take some photographs, and write some mini-poems--but I also spent a lot of time getting re-acquainted with my camera, and digging out some of my favorite poetry books.  I finished reading Mary Oliver's "Why I Wake Early" and went back to reading the poetry of  Edna St. Vincent Millay.  I am also working on some illustrations for a small book a friend of mine puts together each year for his friends.  The pictures I'm including here were taken over the weekend--we had a lovely weekend weatherwise--a little windy, but sunny. 
All of these photos were taken around my home, Wit's End.  Above left is one of our cats:  Eddie, whose real name is Oedipuss.  Eddie follows me around the yard like a puppy!  He's a real hoot when I'm trying to work in the garden--he likes to climb on my lap, or curl up in front of me--makes yanking up weeds a little tricky, and there's nothing like having a furry cat on your lap in 90 degree temps!

The next picture, left, is our pond.  This view is near the dam.  Every spring we have baby ducks and geese on the pond, and a great blue heron stops by every now and then.  On the right is one of my favorite spots to sit and relax--the porch of our barn. From here I can see the pond, and a couple of my gardens, and both sunrise and sunset. A good place to sit and think, write, or sometimes even nap! (Cats and dogs enjoy it too!)
The last photo I took as sort of a visual for one of the mini-poems I wrote. I didn't have my telephoto lens, so it's a little hard to tell, but those little black dots are birds--I call them "The Gang of Five."  They hang out in that tree every day.
And here are the mini-poems:

Friday, January 27

High up in the oak
the gang of five--
survey their hood--
the empty feeders,
a moldy, cracked birdbath.

Not even the mockingbird scares them. 
They watch squirrels and chipmunks,
look the other way at a fly-by
slaying of a rabbit,
maintain stony silence
when the cat approaches,
then harass a red-tailed hawk
who ventures too close
to their crib.

Saturday, January 28:

I nearly missed it:
coyote on the run,
under the fence,
into the woods.

Safe now.
But who is more frightened?
Tonight, I walk faster,
carry a big stick.

Sunday, January 29

The stray cat, unhappy
to share his meal with the raccoon,
waits impatiently behind the holly,
frowns at me as I watch through the window.

Sorry, little kitty.
Tonight, it's first come,
first served.

Monday, January 30:

January tricks the daffodils
into waking early. Fools the tulips
and forsythia, too.

I warned them not to believe her,
even as I tossed aside my coat,
and turned my face to the sun.


DearHelenHartman said...

Well, I tried to leave a comment and it wouldn't let me, I guess. So weird. BUT I do love your photos and the story of Eddie (who looks a lot like my late FatHead and makes me miss him) and especially the poetry.

Wit's End Studio said...

Actually, it did take it! Thanks for the visit! These pets of ours really steal our hearts, don't they? We have a cat where I work who hangs around the warehouse and the inmates (I work at the correctional facility in LaGrange...) call him BigHead. My sister had a cat they called Holeinthehead....I guess it's a good thing our pets can't name us! (Maybe they do??)I sure do miss you all at CCW...I keep hoping to make a meeting one of these days.

Betsy Grant said...

Lovely poems and pictures! I could feel the awareness of the various animals as I read. I wanted to let you know I am posting new music videos on my blogs almost every week which you might enjoy. Visit me sometime.