Sunday, February 28, 2010
"King" Charlie

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Paws Daily
This painting of Zora is fresh off the easel--the paint is still wet, so you can see a little reflection from the studio light.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Still Life with Spoon - Daily Painting
Tomorrow it's another shelter animal portrait, and then on to a commissioned portrait. I love doing portraits!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Finally! I'm Painting Again!
I am also working on a small piece right now, for my daily painting. It's a 4 x 6, oil. After working with acrylics, I keep forgetting that it takes awhile for oils to tack up--so I keep pushing paint around--which means it's not going to be finished till tomorrow. So it'll be a painting every two days!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Wednesday = Hump Day
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Another Snow Day
I admit watermarking hasn't been a priority with me until recently. But a friend asked me about it the other day and I got to thinking that it probably isn't a bad idea, even if some of the images I'm "marking" can still be downloaded by anyone who wants them badly enough. At least I feel now like I've done what I could to protect my work.

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day and I'm Still Working...
Okay, enough of the sentimental stuff. Sometimes, when you least expect it, a flash of brilliance strikes and leaves you wondering why you didn't think of it before. Well such flashes don't occur to me very often, but when they do I feel the need to run with them. This one hit me this morning, while I was surfing through various artists' websites and trying to come up with something I could do that would really keep me interested and motivated. I have always loved painting faces--not just human ones, but animals of all kinds. And I am also a big supporter of animal rights, the Humane Society and now, Shelby County's No Kill Mission. I haven't thought it completely through yet, and I need to talk to the powers-that-be at the shelter and the other groups, but what I have in mind, if it works out, would be an art related project that would benefit shelter animals, as well as get my artwork out more in the public. This is not a new idea--just new to me. Since I haven't worked out all the details yet, I will hold off posting all the "rough" thoughts here. But I think it might work. Stay tuned.
Here is a site I stumbled on that has a lot of solid information for artists looking for encouragement and marketing ideas.

Check it out!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Business As Usual
So I have been focusing on getting my website and blog updated and taking advantage of some of the free marketing tools like Facebook and Twitter. I'm not really sure how Twittering is going to help--I suspect it might be more of an annoyance (to those I tweet to) than anything, but we'll see. I'm thinking of giving the newsletter idea a try--but it seems a little narcissistic to send out a newsletter all about me. I'll have to think on that a little longer.
As for actually painting, I'm hoping to finish up the window scene I posted the other day, and move on to a commissioned portrait of a girl and her horse. I'd like to get back to doing small daily paintings, but with all this business stuff to deal with, that might not be too realistic.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Business Side of Art: An Exhausting Endeavor
So I'm calling it a day. On a lighter note, I have some pics of this morning's adventure with the Schwan delivery truck and my driveway. Tune in tomorrow!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

At first the snowflakes were tiny and barely visible. Then they'd switch to big fat ones, and then it became more like sleet. Eventually, they were mostly big and fat again. Reminded me of my days in upstate New York. When I went out to shovel off my car, it seemed fairly warm, and the snow was nice and heavy--great for building a snowman or for a friendly snowball fight. Unfortunately I didn't have time for either. And now the weather has turned colder and much more nasty. But it was cool while it lasted.
So, with nothing else to do all day, I decided to spend time in the studio, catching up on things that have been set aside way too long. Like paperwork. Bookkeeping. Yuck. I hate doing that. I make a much better artist than I do a business person. Once upon a time I had a business plan, and kept meticulous records. Unfortunately, life has a way of interrupting things like plans. So today I sat down at my desk, opened every drawer, and dug through the junk that had collected there. It's amazing what can be found: notes I'd made to myself that no longer mean a thing to me. Little bits of papers with numbers, half sentences in completely illegible handwriting. Several months worth of magazines never read. My little shredder earned its keep today. And it feels good to clear the clutter. My files, while not completely in order, at least make some sense to me and are no longer crammed full of "stuff."
And at the end of the day, I have a new sense of direction. And dare I say it? Plans. Yep. We'll see how that goes.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Lazy Day

This is the completed pastel portrait. I hope my customer is happy with it.